• The International Student Office guides all kinds of work and transactions of international students studying at the University and carries out studies to ensure that they complete their education without any problems.
  • It helps students participate in education, social life and cultural activities.
  • It participates in foreign education fairs in order to increase the proximity of our university to the cultures of other countries and to promote the cultural and social structure of our country in other countries and to encourage students to study at our university.
  • In cooperation with the Directorate of Press, Publications and Public Relations of our University, it helps to prepare promotional documents and catalogs for international students to prefer Sinop University.
  • It provides consultancy services to international students who are studying at our university in order to help them adapt to our country, to meet their needs in the social and cultural field and to solve the problems they experience in this field.
  • International student quota proposals from Faculties/Schools/Vocational Schools (for I. and II. Education programs) are sent to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education to be published within the framework of the calendar to be determined by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education after the approval of the University Senate.
  • The quotas to be offered by the Faculties/Schools/Vocational Schools are determined according to the principles and decisions to be determined by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education.
  • In case the international student quotas are not filled, the vacant quotas can be transferred to other program quotas with the decision of the University Senate.
  • The application, evaluation, placement and registration-admission calendar for international student quotas is determined by the University Senate taking into account the characteristics of higher education programs and announced on the institutional website (https://www.sinop.edu.tr).

Candidates must be in their last year of high school or have graduated;

  • Foreign nationals’,
  • Those who are Turkish citizens by birth, but who have received permission from the Ministry of Interior to renounce Turkish citizenship and their minor children registered in the certificate of renunciation of Turkish citizenship, who document that they have a Certificate on the Exercise of the Rights Recognized in accordance with the Turkish Citizenship Law, (Article 7 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 stipulates that “(1) A child born in wedlock to a Turkish citizen mother or father within or outside of Turkey is a Turkish citizen.” and it is beneficial for candidates who will apply for admission quotas from abroad to examine the Turkish Citizenship Law).
  • Those who acquired Turkish citizenship through acquired citizenship while they were foreign nationals / dual nationals in this situation,
  • Turkish nationals who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in a foreign country other than the Republic of Cyprus (including those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish schools in a foreign country other than the Republic of Cyprus),
  • K.K.T.R. nationals who reside in K.K.T.R. and have completed their secondary education (high school) in K.K.T.R. who have GCE AL exam results and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and studying in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010,

applications are accepted.

  • Turkish nationals who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkey or in the Republic of Cyprus,
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus nationals (except those who have completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus high schools and have GCE AL results and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and studying in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010),
  • Dual nationals whose first nationality by birth is Turkish Republic, (except for those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in a foreign country other than the Republic of Cyprus / those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish schools in a foreign country other than the Republic of Cyprus),
  • Dual nationals, one of whose nationality is Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (except for those who have completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus high schools and have GCE AL results and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and studying in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010),
  • Turkish nationals or dual nationals whose first nationality by birth is Turkish as defined in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this article who are studying in schools under the embassies in Turkey and foreign high schools in Turkey,

applications are not accepted.

  • Applications are made through the corporate website. Applicants must fill out the application form and upload their application documents to the system. The applications of candidates whose application documents are missing or whose uploaded documents are not legible will not be evaluated.
  • Applicants must meet the special conditions and explanations (medical board report, height and weight measurements and body mass index, clothing and equipment, age, nationality, gender, school type, etc.) of the higher education programs in the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) Guide of the relevant year.
  • Candidates who prefer higher education programs that accept students with a special talent exam must meet the conditions in the special talent guide prepared by the relevant unit and must be successful by participating in the special talent exam on the announced dates. Candidates who are not successful in the special talent exam cannot enroll in the university and cannot benefit from student rights.
  • A copy of the high school diploma or graduation certificate certified (with Turkish translation) by a notary public in Turkey or by the Consulate in his/her country,
  • A copy of the transcript (an official transcript showing the courses and grades taken in high school, certified by the high school principal) and its Turkish translation certified by a notary public in Turkey or the Consulate in the applicant’s home country,
  • For candidates who do not have a high school diploma/graduation exit certificate and/or secondary education grade point average on the transcript; an official document showing the secondary education grade point average taken from the high school they graduated from and a copy of the document certified by the notary public in Turkey or the Consulate in their country (with Turkish translation),
  • A copy of the page of the passport with picture and identification information,
  • If available, a copy of the results of the international student selection exams conducted by the universities in Turkey in the last two years and/or a certified copy (with Turkish translation) of any of the following criteria from the notary public in Turkey or the Consulate in Turkey,
  • 1.To have a total score of at least 1000 to 1100 from the SAT I exam depending on the department to which the applicant will apply (The exam period is valid for 2 years),
  • 2.A level A in at least 3 subjects in the GCE (General Certificate Education-A level) exam, at least one of which must be related to the program applied for, and the average of the grades obtained in the subjects must be C or above,
  • 3.To have at least 24 points in Math, Science Reasoning and Composite scores on the ACT exam,
  • 4.A grade point average of at least 90 in all courses in the Scientific Stream in the Tawjihi exams in Jordan and Palestine,
  • 5.A diploma grade of at least 70 in the Scientific Stream of the Baccalaureate (Baccalaureat Libanais) exams in Lebanon,
  • 6.International Baccalaureate diploma and a diploma grade of at least 28 to 32 depending on the department to be applied for,
  • 7.To have received gold, silver and bronze medals in international science olympiads recognized by TÜBİTAK,
  • 8.To have a maximum score of 4 in the ABITUR exam,
  • 9.To have a minimum score of 490 out of 750 in the score type of the applied program in the university entrance exam (Gaokao) held in the People’s Republic of China,
  • 10.To have a minimum score of 190 out of 240 for the departments that accept students with numerical and equal weighted scores and a minimum score of 175 for other departments from the Al-Shahada-Al-Thanawiyya (Baccalaureate) Exam held in Syria,
  • 11.To have a minimum score of 195 for Engineering and Science Departments and 185 for other departments from the Al-Shada-Al-Thanawiya (Baccalaureate) Examination in Libya,
  • 12.Iranian high school diploma grade (Diplome Debirestan) average of at least 12/20 and “Pishdaneshgahi” graduation grade of at least 12/20,
  • 13.A score of at least 40% or above of the full score in the Greek University Entrance Examination,
  • 14.Macedonian University Entrance Examination with a score of at least 50% or above of the full score,
  • 15.A score of at least 40% or above of the full score in the Kosovo University Entrance Examination,
  • 16.To have a French Baccalaureate diploma and a diploma grade of at least 12,
  • 17.ONO: Secondary Education Grade Point Average, having at least 40 points according to the hundredth system, having a certificate of international exams and national high school graduation or maturity exams of countries, or for applicants from countries where these exams are not held, having an official document approved by the relevant high school directorate showing the secondary education grade point average,
  • 18.At least 60 points from the Ujian Akhir National exam in Indonesia,
  • 19.To have at least 40 points from TCS: Turkish Republics and Turkic and Related Communities Examination,
  • 20.YGS/LYS/YKS: For international candidates; To have at least 140 points for associate’s degree programs and at least 180 points for bachelor’s degree programs from the Higher Education Transition Exam / Undergraduate Placement Exam / Higher Education Institutions Exam organized by ÖSYM,
  • 21.To have a document related to other criteria that are not on this list and will be accepted by the International Student Admission Commission.
  • The evaluation of the applications and the placement of the candidates are made by Sinop University “International Student Admission Commission”. The International Student Admission Commission is formed under the chairmanship of the Vice Rector responsible for the Student Affairs Department within the University, with the participation of the Head of the Student Affairs Department, 3 (three) academic staff appointed by the Rector and the responsible staff of the International Student Office.
  • In the placement of international students to our University, the results of the international student selection exams conducted by universities in Turkey are given priority. After the placement process is carried out according to the results of these exams, the remaining vacant quotas are placed according to other criteria and international exam results. If there is a vacancy after this placement process, placement is made according to ONO results.
  • The equivalence and conversion of the exams and criteria accepted for the application are realized. Candidates’ scores of the exams or secondary education grade point averages are converted to the hundredth system to be accepted as the highest 100 (one hundred) points. Those with an exam score or secondary education grade point average of at least 40 (forty) and above according to the hundredth system are taken into consideration.
  • In case of equality in placement scores, placement is made according to the Secondary Education Achievement Score, and in case of equality again, according to the Turkish Language Level. In case of equality at the end of these, the younger candidate is preferred.
  • As a result of the placement process; Within the quota, candidate lists are prepared according to the ranking of the scores obtained from the announced exams.
  • Candidates who are entitled to final registration must complete the documents required for registration and apply to the admission office within the announced registration period. Candidates who do not apply for registration within this period or do not complete the registration process lose their registration rights.

Following the registration of the candidates, additional placement can be made for the vacant quotas with the approval of the University Senate. Accordingly, the vacant quotas, transfers between quotas, application to quotas, placement and registration schedule are decided and announced by the University Senate.

  • The original high school diploma and the “Certificate of Equivalence” showing that it is equivalent to the diplomas obtained from Turkish high schools and can be obtained from the directorates affiliated to the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey or the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in their country,
  • The original and certified copy of the candidate’s university entrance or high school graduation exam result certificate translated into Turkish,
  • Original or certified copy of the exam result certificate (from candidates who took the international student exams of national universities in Turkey),
  • Photocopy of the passport along with its presentation,
  • Proof of financial situation and/or written statement of the student showing that his/her financial means are suitable for continuing his/her higher education in our country,
  • Bank receipt showing that the contribution/tuition fee has been deposited to the relevant bank,
  • Original or certified copy of Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate,
  • 4 passport size photographs taken within the last 6 months.

Certificate of Equivalence

Students who have studied in international primary and secondary private education institutions and schools opened by embassies and primary and secondary education institutions in Turkey and abroad can apply.

Click here for detailed information on the equivalence certificate…


The Turkish language proficiency level of the students is determined according to the Turkish language exam conducted by our University or Turkish Language Proficiency certificates obtained from national universities and other institutions and organizations and whose equivalence is accepted. Turkish language skill levels are determined according to the levels defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Accordingly, the following criteria are defined as:

  • A1, A2 – Basic Language Use: Turkish language level is insufficient to start academic undergraduate or associate degree education and can start their education after one year of Turkish language education,
  • B1, B2 – Independent Language Use: Turkish language level is insufficient to start academic undergraduate or associate degree education, but can be improved in a short time, and can start his/her education provided that he/she takes a Turkish language course with his/her academic education and increases his/her Turkish language level to C1, C2 level until graduation,
  • C1, C2 – Competent Language Use: Turkish level is sufficient to start an academic undergraduate or associate degree program.

Those who have a Turkish Language Proficiency certificate can start their education. Candidates who do not have a Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate or whose Turkish level is A1, A2 are considered to be on leave for one year to improve their Turkish level. Students who cannot submit a Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate at the end of this period are given an additional year. If the students who are deemed to be on leave do not submit their Turkish Language Proficiency Certificates by the end of the second year, their relations with the University are terminated.

Turkish Language Proficiency Exam is organized by the University to determine the Turkish level of the students. The announcement regarding the exam is made on the institutional website (https://www.sinop.edu.tr) together with the application calendar. Turkish Language Proficiency Exam is evaluated over 100 full points. The score ranges for the levels are applied as stated below.

Language Proficiency LevelGrade
Advanced levelC280-100
Intermediate levelB260-69
Beginner levelA230-49
  • Students to be admitted from abroad are charged a contribution fee/tuition fee according to the principles determined by Law No. 2547 and other relevant legislation. Course registration and other student-related transactions of the student who does not pay the contribution / tuition fee are not carried out. In the event that the student voluntarily deregisters, the contribution / tuition fee is not refundable.
  • Click here for the information about the contribution/tuition fee…

After enrolling in the University, the student must fill in the first application field “Student Residence Permit” from the e-residency tab on https://e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr. Then, together with the other documents required for the student residence permit specified at https://e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr/Ikamet/IstenenBelgeler, the student must submit them to the International Student Office of the university until the date notified to the student during enrollment. If the documents are incomplete at the time of submission, they will not be accepted by the university.

Other procedures related to the residence permit are carried out by the Directorates of Migration Management. Therefore, in case of any changes/updates in the rules, please contact the institution below and follow the web page.

Click here for the Student Residence Permit Application Handbook…

Sinop Provincial Directorate of Migration Management

Address : Kefevi Dist. Yusufoğlu Aralığı Str. No:13 Merkez/SINOP

E-mail : sinop@goc.gov.tr

Telephone : 0 368 260 04 62

Fax : 0 368 260 04 65

Web : https://www.goc.gov.tr/

Foreigners’ Communication Center (YIMER) Phone: 157


International students can benefit from general health insurance by applying to the Social Security Institution within 3 months from the date of registration.

Click here for General Health Insurance for Foreigners…


International (foreign national) students studying at our university are obliged to submit the Turkey Graduates Information Form, which they will receive by creating their records through the Turkey Graduates Information System of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, to the academic unit where they study.

Students who do not submit the form will not be able to complete their graduation process.

The internet address of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities is :


Turkiye Alumni Information System website :



Turkey scholarships consist of non-refundable scholarship programs for successful international students at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and research levels to study at Turkiye universities. Turkiye Scholarships receive more than 100,000 applications from around the world and allocate scholarships to approximately 5,000 new international students each year.

You can find more information about Turkiye Scholarships at https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/.

Turkiye Scholarships Call Center: 0 850 455 0 982

E-mail Address: info@turkiyeburslari.gov.tr

Address: Oğuzlar Dist. Mevlana Ave. No: 145 P.K: 06520 Balgat, ANKARA/TURKEY


Sinop University has a Disabled Student Unit for students with disabilities. The Disabled Student Unit carries out teamwork with the University staff and related units in order for disabled students to benefit from the services offered at the University, to provide equal academic opportunities, and works with other units of the university to ensure that students can access all areas of the university.

The entrances of our university’s Faculties of Fisheries, Education, Science and Letters, Boyabat Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Vocational School, Boyabat Vocational School and Faculty of Health Sciences buildings are suitable for disabled people, and there are elevators that will enable our students to reach classrooms and other areas. In addition to these, there are disabled ramps and elevators at the entrances of the gymnasium and the Library and Documentation Department building on the Science and Literature campus. Finally, the Ahmet Muhip Dıranas Hotel, the practice hotel of our university, has a disabled ramp at the entrance and there are elevators and toilets suitable for disabled use in the building.


Sinop, with a population of 53,813, borders Kastamonu to the west, Çorum to the south, Samsun to the southeast and is surrounded by the Black Sea to the north. Sinop has a humid to semi-humid climate with cool winters and mild summers. The hottest month is August and the coldest month is February.


Transportation in Sinop city center is provided by minibuses and taxis. In addition to minibuses and taxis, there is also a shuttle service between the Credit Dormitories Institution dormitory and academic units for our students. Our students can travel from Sinop to other provinces both by road and by air with a connection in Istanbul.  The bus station is in the city center and the airport is only 8 km away from the city center. Transportation is provided by minibuses and taxis.

Bus Station Tel: 0368 260 0304

Airport Tel: 0368 271 4455

Turkish Airlines Sinop Branch Tel: 0368 260 2470


There are dormitories belonging to the Credit Dormitories Institution and many private dormitories open to the service of students in Sinop. Students who do not want to stay in dormitories can also prefer home life. It is possible to find furnished apartments for rent in the city center. In Sinop, which is also a tourism city, many buildings used as apartments in the summer can be rented by students during the academic years.


Type: Female

Address: Osmaniye Village Kabraz Creek Location Ayancık Road (Opposite to the Faculty of Theology) Merkez/Sinop

Capacity: 2218


Type : Separate

Telephone : 0(368) 613-4632, 0(368) 613-4665

Fax: 03686134655

Address : Yalı Dist. Atatürk Av. No:68 Ayancik/Sinop


Type : Girl

Telephone: 0216 454 0800

Address : Gelincik District Stadium Road Merkez/Sinop


Type : Girl

Telephone : 0(368) 271-4538, 0(368) 271-5261

Fax: 03682715491

Address : Osmaniye Village Tefnelik Neighborhood No:32


Type : Separate

Telephone : 0(368) 315-1987

Fax: 03683151977

Address : Çamlıca District Çamlıca Av. No: 7 Boyabat/Sinop


Type : Male

Telephone : 0(368) 260-3837

Fax: 03682603867

Address : Kefevi Dist. Yusufaralığı Sokak No:15 Merkez/Sinop


At our university, monthly menus are planned based on the characteristics of our students, meeting their energy needs, in accordance with the principles of adequate and balanced nutrition and according to seasonal characteristics. The cost of one meal for students is 3.50 TL (2020-2021 Academic Year price) and free nutrition service is provided every year during the academic year to successful students who are not financially eligible.

Our university provides nutrition services to both our students and staff in the dining halls in our academic units. In addition, canteens in our academic units are also at the service of our students.


In order to protect and improve the physical and mental health of students and to contribute to their social development, there are sports fields for various sports branches at our university. Our students can spend their free time in these areas, as well as participate in various sports teams and participate in various competitions within the university and in the country. Football, Futsal, Basketball (men and women), Volleyball (men and women), Judo (men and women), Billiards (men and women), Table tennis (men and women), Badminton (men and women) teams are available at our university.

There is a total of 1595.9 m² multi-purpose sports hall with a total capacity of 1595.9 m² with an additional building of 546.7 m² completed in 2011 to the 1049.2 m² sports hall, which is open for use for sports activities of students, academic and administrative staff with a seating capacity of 319 and suitable for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, billiards, futsal sports. In the units affiliated to our university; Boyabat Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Fisheries have one artificial turf field each. There is one outdoor basketball and football field at the Faculty of Health Sciences.


The national currency of Turkey is the Turkish Lira. Its abbreviation is TL and its symbol is the ₺ sign. It is common to use cash or credit cards in Turkey. Traveler’s checks are generally not accepted. ATMs of almost all banks are common. Most ATMs accept international credit or debit cards. On such ATMs there is information that any bank card can be used. ATMs have an English option on their menus. International credit cards can be used in many businesses.


In Turkey, Saturdays and Sundays are weekend holidays and official offices are closed on these days. Most workplaces other than official institutions are open on Saturdays. Some of them are open on Sundays. National holidays, religious holidays and other specific days are public holidays. Public holidays and dates are as follows:

January 1st: New Year’s Day Holiday

April 23rd: The opening date of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Celebrated as National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.

May 1: Celebrated as Labor and Solidarity Day.

May 19: May 19, the date of Atatürk’s landing in Samsun, is considered the beginning of the War of Independence. It is celebrated as Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.

July 15: Celebrated as Democracy Day.

August 30: It is the date on which the war, the last link of the Turkish War of Independence, was won. It is celebrated as Victory Day.

October 29: The date of the establishment of the Republic. It is celebrated as Republic Day.

There are also public holidays during two religious holidays. Since religious holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar, called the Hijri Calendar, they do not have a fixed counterpart in the Gregorian calendar, which is organized according to the sun, and come 10 or 11 days earlier each year. On both religious holidays, the public holiday begins at noon on the day before the start of the holiday. Eid al-Fitr is a three-day religious holiday. Eid al-Adha is four days.


The time zone in which Turkey is located: UTC/GMT + 3.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Emergency Service (Ambulance): 112

Fire: 110

Alo Traffic 154

Police Help 155

Electricity Fault: 186

Gas Fault: 187

Gendarmerie Help 156


International Student Office:

Phone : +90 (368) 271 57 77 / Extension No: 1610

E-mail : akarasu@sinop.edu.tr

Address :  Korucuk Dist. Trafo Str. No:35 15 Temmuz Campus 57000 – SİNOP Academic Unit Student Affairs Offices Phone Numbers:  https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/iletisim